Hey, keep your pants on:)
We had P Day on tuesday this week because we got to go to the temple. I'll talk more about that later. But for now, I GOT MY VISA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S TOTALLY OFFICIAL AND I LEAVE ON THE 11TH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS MY BEST DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On friday we went to the mission office because it was sister Grant's birthday and she had some packages to pick up. I didn't really want to go because the zone leaders were going to get them anyways and I didn't want to waste time. But we ended up going down anyways and chatting for a few minutes in the office. We were just talking with the secretary, Sister Wade, and all the sudden she was like, "you know that you got your visa, right?". I thought it was a joke so I laughed it off, but she was like "no really, look at this paper". And much to my surprise, she wasn't pulling my leg and I really had received my visa!!!! I couldn't speak for like 15 minutes I was just so happy and then I cried a little bit in the bathroom, but that's not important. The take home message from this is that I got my visa and now I get to go teach people in God's language:)
It could not have come at a better time too. I love Anaheim, but I've had a hard time focusing on working here. Thankfully, now I get to be a missionary in my mission and teach people I was set a part to teach. Thank you so much for all of your prayers in my behalf. They totally worked:)
Now about the temple. Every other transfer the missionaries get to go to the temple and I was lucky enough to catch one of those trips. The Newport Beach Temple is incredible, definitely in the top 5 of the prettiest temples I have been in. I really needed this trip too. Since I received my endowments, I've gone to the temple at least once a week. But since entering the field, I haven't been able to go. I'm ok with that though, because it's my job to do missionary work among the living, not the dead. However, that doesn't mean that I haven't missed it.
This trip totally recharged my batteries and gave me a feeling of peace. So this is my plug for the temple: if you haven't been in awhile, go now. I promise that it will bless your life and that you will be able to overcome the hard times in your life.
Ok, I'm done being preachy:)
Other than those two major events this week it's been pretty low key. Actually, just kidding. With halloween and sister Grant's birthday, there was a ton of partying missionary style (mostly frozen yogurt parties). Also, the Elders in our ward baptized a man named Will. It's actually an amazing story. 2 weeks before I arrived in anaheim, the ward had a special fast for the missionaries so that they could find people to teach. Then, after general conference, 2 guys, Will and Daniel, just showed up at the church and asked to be taught. Will was baptized on saturday and Daniel is scheduled to be baptized next saturday. Talk about a miracle. It has definitely strengthened my testimony of fasting. I love food, but miracles are so much better:)
Well, the next time we chat, I will be in Brazil:) I leave the 11th at 8:15 am and don't get down to Brazil until 8:15 am the next day. Whoot!! I love you all so much and I appreciate all the support and love that you have shown me.
Eu amo voces!!!!!!! Eu estou indo a Brasil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sister Whitney
(from Mom) yayayayayay!!!!!! HOOOORAAAAAYYYYY!!! Its my best day too!!!! I am so dang excited for you!!!! I just mailed you a package that should reach the mission home on Thursday and mailed a couple of letters too. Watch for those before you head out!!!!!!
(from Lauren) love you so dang much too, mom:) you are the best and I miss you.
Classy Halloween costume I found outside in a free costume bin.
These are all the sisters in our zone. Sister Grant, me, Sister mulitalo, and Sister napigkit. I adore Sister Mulitalo and Sister napigkit. They are the best missionaries ever. Plus they like taylor swift
Sister Grants birthday, we may have had an icing fight....
Yeah. I'm the only one doing a dorky face!
Wills baptism! He is golden!
This is Sister Ames. She's basically my bff out here and she was also a visa waiter. Luckily, we both got our visas so we get to be travel companions again (we flew out here together)! I love her so dang much!
Triplet Sister Missionaries!
Santa Rosa Temple
Ward halloween party. We set up a spook ally for the kids. Do you recognize the mask? haha
When Lauren was about 3, she discovered my mask that is exactly like this skeleton. She was terrified of it and it also glowed in the dark. If you know Lar, you know that she doesn't let anything frighten her. She wore that mask for days until it wasn't frightening anymore. Here are some previous Halloween costumes that I found down memory lane.
Joan of Arc, 5th grade
Hula from Aunt Jenny in Hawaii, Age 4
Oh Jafar! This was everyday, not just Halloween.
Witch costume I made for all 3 girls age 9.
Zena the warrior princess age 3